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Google has released a lot of information about their algorithm, and over the past few years, we have seen a fair amount of changes. It is not easy being a website owner with this constant change in Google’s search results. In this blog post, you will find out everything you need to know about Google’s latest updates and how it can affect your website. Even if you have no plans on changing anything on your site right now, it is always good to stay informed.
What is Google’s Algorithm?
The algorithm determines how your page is ranked in Google’s search results. In other words, Google’s algorithm is the set of rules that determine which pages are shown on your webpage and which are not. The algorithm has been updated so many times that it has become a mystery. However, we do know that it has three main components: – Hummingbird, Panda, and Pigeon. Hummingbird – The hummingbird update was the first update that was launched. It looked at things like how long you stayed on the page, how many keywords you used, the number of ads that you had on your site, etc. It was basically a ranking factor that took all these factors into consideration to rank a webpage. Panda – Next, Google launched the Panda update, which focused on the quality of your content. It looked at things like the keywords used, the number of ads, the length of your content, the writing style, the grammar, etc. Pigeon – Lastly, we have the Pigeon update. This is another update that focuses on the quality of your site. It determines the health of your website and if your site has spammy or low-quality content on it.
Google’s New algorithm: Sandbox and the Hummingbird Update
The latest update to Google’s algorithm is called the Sandbox update. However, the exact description of what the algorithm will look like is still not clear. What we do know is that it will be launched in the coming months, and it will target “low-quality and inaccurate information” on the internet. This update is also said to be a threat to Google’s core business: AdWords. It is also said that there is a possibility that this update will affect Google’s algorithms for “search, local, or Gmail.” This means that if this update is implemented, you might find yourself unable to use your Gmail account on your website. The truth is that it is hard to tell what this might mean for your website right now. However, we do know that Google is trying to solve the issue of fake news on the internet. So, we can assume that this is something that they are addressing.
Google’s New algorithm: The Panda update
The Panda update was launched in 2011 and focused on the quality of your content. It looked at things like the number of keywords used, the length of your content, the writing style, the number of ads, etc. Penguin – Next, we have the Penguin update. We don’t know too much about it, but we do know that it was launched back in 2012. Google said that this update was for “spam, thin content, and low-quality sites that had been removed from the main SERPs.” Growl – After the Penguin update, we saw the growth of the google as a search engine. Google was trying to capture more and more traffic from other platforms, and this is one of the ways that they were doing that. Growl, as we know it now, was launched back in 2015. It makes use of artificial intelligence and machine learning to determine if what a website is telling its users is true, or if it is misleading the user. Google has been testing this algorithm on their own sites and in various products that they offer. However, it is not clear how this will affect the internet as a whole.
Google’s New algorithm: The Pigeon update
The Pigeon update is the most recent update and was launched in 2018. It is said to be a threat to Google’s core business: AdWords. It is also said that there is a possibility that this update will affect Google’s algorithms for “search, local, or Gmail.” This means that if this update is implemented, you might find yourself unable to use your Gmail account on your website. The Pigeon update is said to focus on the health of your website. It determines the health of your site and if your site has spammy or low-quality content on it. Google says that this update will “help stop harmful and low-quality content from appearing in our Search results.” With this update, it is said that Google is trying to solve the issue of fake news on the internet. So, we can assume that this is something that they are addressing.
How to Stay Out of Google’s Blacklist
If you want to stay out of Google’s black list, you need to ensure that your site has high-quality content and that it is not spammy or misleading to your readers. We also recommend that you make sure that your site is mobile-friendly. Google has been trying to crack down on websites that are not mobile-friendly. Since 80 percent of all searches are now coming from mobile devices, this will have a huge impact for your business.
Wrapping up
Google’s algorithm is constantly changing, and you will need to be on the lookout for changes in order to keep your site from losing traffic. With this in mind, it is important to make sure that your pages are mobile-friendly, that your content is high quality, and that you do not include spammy or misleading content on your site. If you want to stay out of Google’s black list, you need to make sure that your site has high-quality content and that it is not spammy or misleading to your readers. Furthermore, it is also important to make sure that your site is mobile-friendly. Google has been trying to crack down on websites that are not mobile-friendly. Since 80 percent of all searches are now coming from mobile devices, this will have a huge impact for your business.