5 basic components of a fitness lifestyle. Fitness lifestyle is a concept widely used in sports, but do you really know what it means and what elements it includes? Discover it here.

Fitness Lifestyle
Fitness can be defined as a superior and optimal quality of life, which is based on positive health and includes individual performance goals. A superior quality of life takes into account intellectual, social, spiritual and physical components. It requires a person to work hard, improve and develop, but may never reach a peak level of fitness.
Fitness is about striving for the best possible standard of living, including mental, social, spiritual, and physical. It is dynamic, multidimensional, and is related to hereditary and environmental factors, as well as personal interests. A person who has a good level of total fitness will be continuously approaching the best possible quality of life.
According to the American College of Sports Medicine and the American Council on Exercise, fitness is a comprehensive training system that encompasses different aspects and is defined as the ability of the body to function efficiently and effectively.
5 Basic Components
1. Muscle Strength
Ability of muscles to exert an external force or overcome resistance to lift a given weight. Maximal force can be defined as the maximum weight a person can lift in a single voluntary contraction. In the gym world it is known as 1RM (maximum repetition).
2. Muscular Endurance
It is the ability of a muscle to maintain a job for a given time. It is a component that should be worked on in the gym, especially in endurance sports athletes.
3. Aerobic Capacity
It is the ability of the cardiopulmonary system (heart, blood vessels, blood and respiratory system) to provide oxygen and fuel (nutrients) to the muscles and the ability of the muscles to use them during sustained physical activity.
4. Flexibility
It is the range of movement present in a given joint. The term elasticity is used for muscles and their ability to stretch when a force is applied to them and return to their original length when the stimulus is removed. Together flexibility and elasticity are known as mobility.
5. Body Composition
It refers to the distribution of muscle mass, fat mass and bone mass in the body. The parameter that is most often used to determine body composition is the percentage of fat. According to the American College of Sports Medicine, the healthy percentage for men is 10-17%, and for women 15-21%. An important aspect is that body composition is a much better evaluation parameter than body weight, as it gives us a better idea of ​​a person’s fitness level .